Ms Jill Brown
6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton
Objectives Upon successful completion of this
subject should be appreciative of the knowledge and experiences students from
non-English speaking background bring with them to the learning situation and
the factors influencing the school experiences and learning outcomes of
students from non-English speaking backgrounds. As a result of their own
experience as a second language learner, they should have developed an
awareness of the importance for second language learning of a classroom
environment which fosters self esteem and encourages risk taking, and of the
importance of focussing on meaning and language form. They should have
explored ways of making subject specific language more comprehensible for
second language learners and have gained an understanding of the reading
process, the difficulties encountered by students from non-English speaking
backgrounds in reading, They should also have developed strategies to develop
the reading skills of these students within the context of their specialist
subject area. Students will have gained an awareness of the importance of
making explicit to students the criteria for successful completion of writing
tasks within the context of their specialist subject area and be familiar with
strategies which can be used to assist students from non-English speaking
backgrounds to develop writing skills across the curriculum. They should have
an understanding of the importance of oral language development for overall
language development of students from non-English speaking backgrounds, an
appreciation of the opportunities for language development inherent in small
group work and have developed a range of strategies and activities for
successful small group work.. Students should understand how the
implementation of a culturally inclusive curriculum will improve the
educational outcomes of students from non-English speaking backgrounds as well
as those from English-speaking backgrounds and have examined strategies and
developed a framework for implementing a culturally inclusive curriculum at
both the classroom and whole school level.
Synopsis The subject is designed to develop awareness and understanding
of the language related needs of students from non-English speaking backgrounds
and to develop skills in meeting these needs within the context of mainstream
subject teaching. Students will be introduced to the notion of a culturally
inclusive curriculum and given guidance and practice in evaluating and
designing appropriate materials and activities. They will experience learning
in a second language and consider the implications of this experience for their
own teaching. They will identify the reading and writing demands of their
specialist subject areas and develop strategies to teach the necessary skills
to their students. They will also be made aware of the importance of oral
language work in the classroom and will learn ways to make effective small
group work a regular part of their teaching. Students will also consider
strategies for the development of collaborative working relationships with
other members of staff as an important means of best meeting the needs of
students from non-English speaking background.
Assessment Reading log (1,000 words) 25% - Analysis and evaluation of text (1,000 words) 25% - Teaching practicum diary (1,000 words) 25% - Audit of materials and teaching approaches (1,000 words) 25%
Recommended texts
Bain R, Fitzgerald B & Taylor M Looking into Language:
Classroom Approaches to Knowledge about Language Hodder and Stoughton,
United Kingdom, 1992
Brubacher A, Ryder P & Kemp R Perspectives on Small Group Learning
Rubicon Publishing, Ontario, 1990
Carrel P, Devine J & Eskey D (eds) Interactive Approaches to Second
Language Reading Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 1998
Directorate of School Education Bridges to the VCE: Support Material for
VCE Teachers who have ESL Students in their Classes Victoria, 1993
Emmitt M & Pollock J Language and Learning: An Introduction for
Teaching Oxford University Press, Australia, 1991
MacGregor M & Moore R (eds) Teaching Mathematics in the Multicultural
Classroom: a Resource for Teachers and Teacher Educators University of
Melbourne, 1991
Nunan D Language Teaching Methodology: a Textbook for Teachers Prentice
Hall English Language Teaching Series, Hertfordshire UK, 1991
Nunan D (ed) Collaborative Language Learning and Teaching Cambridge
Language Teaching Library, Victoria, 1992
Wallace C Learning to Read in a Multicultural Society: the Context of
Second Language Literacy Pergamon Press, NSW, 1986