Ms K Margetts
6 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula - Pre-requisites: EDP1104 and EDP2105
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have knowledge and understanding of the major causes of exceptionality and the specific needs exceptional children and their families may have in early childhood settings; the skills needed to function as a team member working with families and other professionals; the ability to plan and implement appropriate experiences for exceptional young children; an awareness of the impact exceptional children may have on their families; knowledge of relevant legislation, resource agencies and support services; and the ability to demonstrate a commitment to, and sensitivity in, the integration of young exceptional children within early childhood settings
Synopsis This subject will build upon students' understandings of child development gained in EDP1104 and EDP2105, and will prepare them to integrate and support exceptional children and their families into a variety of early childhood programs. Topics will include an overview of the causes of exceptionality; meeting the needs of children with sensory impairment, behavioural and emotional difficulties, intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities and giftedness; and the goals of their parents. There will be particular emphasis placed on issues in integration, the impact on families of exceptional children; and skills and knowledge necessary to be able to work effectively as a member of a team in order to meet the needs of exceptional children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on gaining knowledge of relevant legislation, resource agencies and support services.
Assessment Written assignment (1200-1500 words): 30% - Fieldwork task: 30% - Examination: 40%
Recommended texts
Ashman A and Elkins J (eds) Educating children with special
needs 3rd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1998
Australian Early Childhood Association Children with Additional Needs
Australian Journal of Early Childhood 20(4) 1995 (Themed edition -
special edition)
Butler S R (ed.) The exceptional child Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,