
Teaching and curriculum studies 4 (primary)

Associate Professor L G Cairns

12 points - Full-year subject - Gippsland - Prerequisite: GEC3101

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to plan, implement and evaluate extended learning sequences in schools; function as informed, reflective professionals within the school environment; develop and implement an action-based research program and present their findings in a range of forms.

Synopsis This is the final subject in a sequence of curriculum and teaching studies in the undergraduate sequence. This subject will be based in local primary schools. It will enable students to bring together teaching skills (developed in the teaching and curriculum studies subjects) in planning, presentation and evaluation over an extended theory-into-practice set of activities. Students will complete a research project on an aspect of primary schooling. They will also complete supervised experience in schools. Students will be provided with an opportunity to (a) further develop skills in the planning, implementation and evaluation of classroom teaching and learning activities for extended periods in primary schools; (b) complete research on one aspect of primary schooling (eg curriculum, teaching strategies, classroom organisation); and (c) present the findings of their research to the school community.

Assessment Participation in professional practica - One substantial piece of original research (6000 words): 100%

Prescribed texts

Townsend A (ed.) Primary schools in changing times Routledge, 1998
Zeichner K and Liston D Reflective teaching: An introduction Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1996

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