
Program music: seeing with your ears

Not offered in 1999

Dr G J Hurworth

6 points - 3 hours per week - Peninsula - Prerequisites: Either EDP1305 or EDP1306

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have composed a number of pieces representing events, places, people, emotions and colours; an awareness of the major styles, composers and themes in program music of the past two hundred and fifty years; a specific knowledge of selected repertoire from program music of the past two hundred and fifty years; improved their ability to read a musical notation; improved their understanding of the use of instruments in various combinations to represent events, people, places, emotions and colours; improved their music listening skills including the recognition of instruments, melody, harmony, and form.

Synopsis This subject has been designed to introduce students to composition in groups based on various program music pieces from the past two hundred and fifty years. Emphasis will be placed on detailed, analytical study of selected program music repertoire, illustrating how composers have used music to portray events, people, places, emotions and colours through sound. In this way, students may begin to see with their ears. In addition, students will improve their listening and theoretical skills.

Assessment Folio of compositions: 50% - Examination: 50%

Recommended texts

Brace G and Burton I Listen! Music and nature CUP, 1976
Brown S The sense of music Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988
Grout D J A history of western music Dent, 1989
Jenkins D and Visocchi M Portraits in music OUP, 1981
Kamien R Music: An appreciation McGraw-Hill, 1988

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