
Empirical research in psychology part I

Associate Professor G N Molloy and others

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: Completion of an approved major sequence in psychology

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to critically evaluate empirical research reports, formulate questions that logically derive from existing knowledge in psychology, translate these questions into a set of operational propositions, and design a set of experimental conditions that provide an empirical test of these propositions. Students should also be able to demonstrate skills in collecting data according to these specifications.

Synopsis The subject provides practical training in the design and conduct of an empirical research project. Working with one of the subject lecturers, students will learn how to prepare a research proposal and collect data that will form the basis for the empirical report submitted in part two of this subject.

Assessment In part I, students will complete a proposal for their empirical report submitted in part II (3000 words): 30%

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