
Methods and practice of teaching history

Ms R Triolo

12 points - 2 hours per week - Full-year subject - Clayton - Prerequisites: Students must have at least a minor sequence in history from a recognised institution.

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have: developed knowledge and understanding of the aims of teaching history, both as a discrete subject and as a subject under the umbrella heading of studies of society and environment (SOSE) in the nationally-developed SOSE profile and statement, and in the Victorian Board of Studies publication (Curriculum and Standards Framework: SOSE); extended their knowledge of different histories; developed an awareness of the different learning needs of students and a broad range of methodologies for maximising students' understanding of change and continuity over time; learned to develop skills of critical inquiry and independent research as well as foster the values and attitudes of good citizenship in their students; evaluated and used a wide range of classroom resources.

Synopsis This subject is concerned with teaching and learning about issues of society in historical contexts, and how teachers of history may develop independent, critical and creative thinking in their students, understanding of different societies at different times, and skills in the cognitive and affective domains. Workshops investigate traditional and innovative approaches to teaching and learning in history and focus on the breadth of available primary and secondary sources, lesson and unit planning, inquiry methodology, Gardner's multiple intelligences, Bloom's taxonomy, SOSE curriculum perspectives, assessment and reporting strategies, VCE histories, and professional, political, legal and ethical issues associated with the teaching of history.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and a minimum of 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks - Lesson plan: 20% - Resource guide for a particular history: 40% - Unit of work: 40%

Recommended texts

Gilbert R (ed) Studying society and environment; A handbook for teachers Macmillan, 1996
Marsh C Teaching studies of society and environment Prentice-Hall, 1994
Nichol J Teaching history; A teaching skills workbook Macmillan, 1984
Publications of the History Teachers' Association of Victoria
Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework: Studies of society and environment VBOS, 1995
Victorian Board of Studies VCE study design: History VBOS

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