
The social and political contexts of early childhood services

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula and/or Clayton (depending on enrolments)

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to compare and contrast historical and contemporary views on the nature of childhood and relate those views to the provision and content of early childhood services; understand how the changing roles of women have impacted on the types of early childhood services provided; know the major political and social reasons for the establishment of major reviews of and enquiries into early childhood service provision; demonstrate how the major recommendations of the above impacted on early childhood services; account for the shifting balance between public sector and private sector provision of early childhood services during the twentieth century; explain current issues about the funding and structure of children's services in Victoria in terms of contemporary social and political factors.

Synopsis This subject explores the interrelationship between political, economic and social factors and the development of services for young children in Australia. Particular attention will be paid to the interrelated responses of the public and private sectors during these periods with regard to the establishment, funding and administration of early childhood education and care services. Students will be able to choose a particular service or issue for in-depth study.

Assessment Seminar presentation and paper (3000 words): 60% - Structured journal: 40%

Recommended texts

Brennan D The politics of Australian child care CUP, 1997
Mellor E J Stepping stones: The development of early childhood services in Australia HBJ, 1990

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