
Computers in education 1

Dr G I Romeo

4 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should begin to understand and appreciate the role of computers in primary and early childhood education; have developed basic understandings and user skills necessary for the effective use of the computer; possess a basic understanding of the concepts underlying word processing, Logo drill and practice, early childhood and problem solving software, world wide web and other internet resources and the rationale underpinning their use in the classroom; have developed an understanding of the logistics of using computers as part of the teaching and learning process.

Synopsis Computer awareness; the role of computers in primary education; learning technologies; teaching about computers; teaching with computers, computer-related curriculums. Computer literacy; the development of user skills in the applications associated with teaching/ learning in the primary classroom environment.

Assessment Progressive practical exercises (1500 words): 20% - Research essay (2000 words): 30% - Examination: 50%

Recommended texts

Department of Education Victoria Learning technologies: Teacher capabilities Department of Education Victoria, 1998
Department of Education Victoria Learning technologies in Victorian schools Department of Education Victoria, 1998
Merrill P F and others Computers in education 3rd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1996
Papert S Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1980
Papert S The children's machine: Rethinking school in the age of the computer Basic Books, 1993
Sharp V Computer education for teachers 2nd edn, Brown and Benchmark, 1996

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