Lecturer-in-charge to be advised
12 points - 3 hours per week - Clayton - Prerequisites: No previous study of psychology is required
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to discuss terms and methodological issues that arise in the field of crosscultural psychology; describe how enculturation and acculturation occur and how they differ; identify similarities and differences in patterns of personality and social behaviour of different ethnic/cultural groups; recognise ways in which perception and cognition are determined by cultural experiences; outline differences in preferred patterns of interaction in school or workplace of members of different cultural groups; demonstrate basic skills in intercultural communication and be able to describe positive and negative outcomes of intergroup contact.
Synopsis This subject examines several areas of psychological research from a crosscultural perspective, with a view to determining the universality of principles and theories of human development and behaviour. Inter-ethnic and intercultural communication difficulties and some ways of overcoming these will also be investigated.
Assessment Seminar participation and presentation - Essay (3000 words): 50% - Test: 50%
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