
Methods and practice of teaching physics

Mr G Lancaster

12 points - 2 hours per week - Full-year subject - Clayton - Prerequisites: Physics minor, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science or Bachelor of Engineering with a minor sequence in physics

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to design, implement and effectively teach physics-based units throughout the secondary curriculum; be skilled in organising meaningful classroom learning experiences including theory lessons/discussions, demonstrations, experiments and research projects; have developed an understanding of the nature of formal secondary school physics learning; be familiar with constructivist theories of learning and how adolescents develop ideas about the physical universe. Students should be familiar with the new VCE physics study design and its emphasis on the importance of conceptual understanding of physics ideas within context. Students should be able to effectively and efficiently communicate physics concepts, evaluate individual learner's understanding and generate long-term meaningful conceptual change.

Synopsis This subject is designed to prepare students to teach physics in secondary schools/colleges, both as a specialist subject at Years 11 and 12 (VCE Physics) and within the junior science curriculum (Years 7 to 10). Attention will be given to the importance of physics in the science curriculum and standards framework document currently in use in Victorian schools/colleges. The subject concentrates on introducing student teachers to a wide variety of teaching strategies, skills and techniques to use in the secondary classroom. Students will be introduced to the ideas of 'children's science' and the importance that students' prior views play in trying to effect conceptual change in the learner during teaching. The subject will examine the current VCE physics study design and investigate ways of developing interesting and effective lessons. It will incorporate practical demonstrations (POEs - predict/observe/explain) and laboratory work to explore the required topics within the recommended contexts. A range of current resource material including suitable textbooks, videotapes, computer software, multimedia presentations and visual aides will be evaluated. All physics method students will be expected to participate in a combined science camp to be held in March.

Assessment A precondition for a pass in this method is a pass in practice teaching and 80% attendance at all timetabled classes. A satisfactory level of achievement is also required for each of the following tasks - Seminar participation: 40% - Satisfactory completion of assignment tasks: 60%

Prescribed texts

Miller G and others Physics 11 units 1 and 2 Heinemann, 1996
Miller G and others Physics 12 units 3 and 4 Heinemann, 1997
Victorian Board of Studies VCE Physics study design VBOS, 1997
White R T and Gunstone R F Probing understanding Falmer, 1992

Recommended texts

Fensham P J, Gunstone R F and White R T The content of science Falmer, 1994
Fensham P J (ed.) Development and dilemmas in science education Falmer, 1988
White R T Learning science Blackwell, 1988

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