
Practicum studies 3

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 2 hours per week plus practicum of 15 days - First semester - Peninsula - Prerequisite: EDP2601

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to undertake teaching responsibilities and practise basic teaching skills in senior level grades for daily periods ranging from two hours to one week in duration; discuss and compare their practicum experiences with the experiences of other students, reflecting on the teaching and class management styles they have encountered, exploring why teachers utilise different approaches and strategies; and demonstrate familiarity with a simulated school situation in which operational policies and practices (including curricula) are determined.

Synopsis This subject requires students to focus upon issues relating to the preparation and presentation of a 'school manual'. Among topics to be considered will be school procedures; preparing information for the school community; student progress reports and reporting to parents; school rules and regulations; work programs and timetables. Complementary to these activities students will be exposed (in a simulated setting) to critical problems affecting pupils, teachers, parents and administrators, providing students with the opportunity to propose hypothetical resolutions.

Assessment Practicum: 60% - Assignment (school handbook): 25% - Policy issue debate: 15% - Eighty per cent attendance - Hurdle: satisfactory standard in all assessment tasks

Recommended texts

Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework VBOS, 1995
School handbooks supplied by: Balnarring primary school; Frankston Heights primary school; Kananook primary school; Langwarrin Park primary school

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