
Mathematics education

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be thoroughly aware of all content areas as outlined in the Department of Education's mathematics publications; be able to analyse errors made in computation and devise remediation resources to correct these errors; be aware of current issues and developments in the teaching of mathematics in the primary school; have developed techniques that link mathematics to practical applications using a problem solving approach; have furthered their understanding of measurement in the mathematics curriculum and developed strategies for its teaching; have explored a variety of assessment techniques that are accurate measures of children's learning in mathematics.

Synopsis This subject extends the student's knowledge obtained previously. Problem solving will be further examined in an attempt to make mathematics more practical in its application. An analysis of common errors that children make in computations will be undertaken and followed with the development of remedial strategies aimed to correct these errors. An extended study of measurement topics will be undertaken to further reveal the relevance of mathematics to everyday life. Assessment methods applicable to mathematics learning will also be explored throughout the subject.

Assessment Assignment (2000 words): 40% - Examination: 40% - Development of a curriculum teaching unit: 20%

Recommended texts

Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework - mathematics VBOS, 1995
Reys R, Suydam M, Lindquist M and Smith N Helping children learn mathematics 5th edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1998

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