
Coaching and instruction

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Gippsland - Prerequisite: EDG1502 or equivalent

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed knowledge and understanding of: the role and responsibilities of the coach in a variety of sports settings; appropriate methods of improving the performance of the athlete; factors that influence the ability of the athlete to perform safely and effectively. Students should also be able to apply these theoretical concepts and demonstrate skills in planning a program based on modern coaching theory; implementing and evaluating a basic coaching program for a specific sport; recognition of sports training factors relative to the age of the participants and level of competition.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide a theoretical background on coaching in relation to sport and outdoor recreation settings. The concepts, principles, styles and applications of coaching techniques will be investigated in a broad range of settings including education. The subject will also focus on developing students' practical skills in these areas with practical exercises forming part of the assessment. Students will be expected to choose a major sport and link in with a coach and team for observation and practical application of these skills.

Assessment Journal and 1000-word evaluation: 30% - Examination: 40% - Two practical coaching sessions reports (1000 words each): 30%

Recommended texts

Australian Sports Commission Coaching children Australia's Coaching Council Incorporated, 1992
Clifford C and Feezell R Coaching for character Human Kinetics, 1997
Martens R Successful coaching Leisure Press, 1990
Pyke F S (ed.) Better coaching: Advanced coach's manual Australian Sports Commission, 1991

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