Ms K Margetts
6 points - 2 hours per week plus four 1-day and one 3-week block and one 2-week block practicum - First semester - Peninsula
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have acquired an understanding of the theory underpinning developmentally based early childhood programs and authentic assessment principles and practices; an awareness of appropriate guidance and behaviour management for young children and knowledge of the Australian early childhood code of ethics. Students should be able to demonstrate the professional behaviour of an early childhood teacher on practica; use appropriate guidance strategies with children; be able to plan, implement and evaluate developmentally appropriate experience for children 0-5 years and use authentic assessment practices in child study tasks. Students should have developed an appreciation of the importance of reflective practice; sensitivity to the importance of meeting individual needs in group care settings and respect for the importance of a code of ethics in guiding professional practice.
Synopsis Students will examine the theoretical constructs underpinning the provision of developmentally based programs in early childhood education. The nature of developmentally appropriate practice including program provision, assessment and guidance will be explored. The professional behaviour expected of an early childhood teacher will be introduced in an examination of the Australian early childhood code of ethics. Through the use of reflective practice, students will be assisted to explore their own capabilities as teachers as well as examine the experiences they have in both on and off campus components of this subject. There will be an emphasis on the links between the theory and the practice, particularly when the students are on full-day or block practice.
Assessment Examination: 50% - Practicum requirements: 50% - Eighty per cent attendance - Hurdle: satisfactory standard in all assessment items
Recommended texts
Arthur L, Beecher, B Dockett, S Farmer S and Death E
Programming and planning in early childhood settings 2nd edn, Harcourt
Brace, 1997
Australian Early Childhood Association Code of Ethics (1992)
AECA, 1992
Bredekamp S and Copple C (eds) Developmentally appropriate practice 2nd
edn, NAEYC, 1997
Fleet A and Clyde M What's in a day? Working in early childhood Social
Science Press, 1993