
Gifted education: identification and programming

Ms L Kronborg

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to describe the nature of giftedness in terms of current conceptions and definitions of giftedness and talent; be able to recognise behavioural characteristics of gifted and talented students; be able to describe the types of instruments and procedures used for identifying gifted and talented students; have an understanding of different learning styles of gifted students; have an understanding of how to differentiate the curriculum for gifted and talented students; have an understanding of different types of 'acceleration' processes for gifted students; be aware of a range of instructional models in educating the gifted; be able to recognise learning needs of diverse types of gifted students.

Synopsis Gifted and talented students introduce complex challenges for educators. How are they different from their peers? How are they the same? How can educators recognise and appropriately challenge these students? Student questions and these will become the focus for readings, discussions and class projects. In this subject, the following topics will be explored: the nature of giftedness as it is understood today and in the past; the intellectual and social and emotional characteristics of gifted and talented students that necessitate the modification and design of learning experiences which reflect their differentiated educational needs; procedures and materials frequently used to select students for enriched and accelerated learning opportunities; teaching strategies and materials appropriate for the regular classroom.

Assessment Triple-entry notebook (4000 words): 40% - Class project/paper (2500 words): 50% - Class attendance and participation in discussion: 10%

Recommended texts

Colangelo N and Davis GA (eds) Handbook of gifted education Allyn and Bacon, 1997
Davis G and Rimm S Education of the gifted and talented 3rd edn, Allyn and Bacon, 1994
Piirto J Talented children and adults: Their development and education Merrill Macmillan, 1994

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