
Practicum studies B

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - Experience in schools plus supporting seminars of between 6 and 10 hours per week - Second semester - Peninsula - Prerequisite: EDN4102

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to develop and implement procedures to reflect and evaluate their own classroom performance; clearly understand the diverse role of the teacher.

Synopsis This program is an extension of EDN4102 (Practicum studies A) undertaken in first semester and aims to provide students with the further opportunity of engaging in extended experiences in a classroom relating to their major academic strand and practicum experiences. Examples of appropriate experience include units of instruction in specific primary curriculum areas (computers, music, physical education), assisting children with special needs (both high and low achievers), working in specialised areas within the school (libraries, after-school programs and so on). This subject begins to raise issues about the way teachers respond to the demands being placed on schools (eg school charters, curriculum initiatives, etc.). What is the nature of teacher knowledge? What do we mean by teacher competencies? How can teachers share their experience and communicate their experiences and understandings to colleagues and the wider community? The role of teacher as researcher is introduced for students in this second-level subject following EDN4102.

Assessment This subject will be graded PGO (no higher grade available in the subject), or NN (fail) - Assessment will take three forms - Initial written report (1500 words): 20% - Teaching skills evaluation (3000 words): 50% - Final written report (2000 words): 30%

Recommended texts

Australian Teaching Council Case studies 1996
Australian Teaching Council National competency framework for beginning teachers 1996
Victorian Board of Studies Curriculum and standards framework VBOS, 1995 (relevant texts from this series)

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