Not offered in 1999
Professor A J Bishop and Dr B A Clarke
8 points - 2 hours per week - First semester - Clayton
Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed an awareness of the range of special educational issues in mathematics education; an understanding of the major approaches to assessment of special needs in mathematics education; an awareness of the issues of mathematics education in inclusive settings; the ability to interpret mathematical learning difficulties and to determine appropriate educational strategies.
Synopsis This subject is concerned with the interpretation of learners' difficulties in mathematics, and with methods and materials for teaching mathematics to a wide variety of individual differences in the inclusive classroom. The construct of 'individual differences' will be broad and will include learning styles, physically handicapped students, English-as-a-second-language learners and gifted students.
Assessment One assignment (2000 words): 33% - One assignment (4000 words): 67%
Recommended texts
Dickson L, Brown M and Gibson D Children learning
mathematics: A teachers' guide to recent research Holt, 1984
White R T and Gunstone R F Probing understanding Falmer, 1992