
Early childhood literacy and studies of society

Ms A Kennedy

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Peninsula - Prerequisite: EDP1101

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have acquired understanding of the complex link between a child's life experiences, cultural understandings and the development of literacy in relation to its appropriateness for an anti-bias curriculum; be able to analyse and evaluate young children's literature in relation to its appropriateness for an anti-bias curriculum; be able to develop, implement and evaluate a developmentally appropriate social curriculum for young children; have developed an understanding of the reading and writing processes; be able to employ a variety of pedagogical strategies to teach, monitor, record and evaluate young children's literacy development; be able to provide practical strategies for families supporting children's literacy development; have acquired an appreciation of, and sensitivity to, the particular needs of the non-English speaking background child in early childhood and primary settings.

Synopsis Students will explore how literacy development is embedded in young children's play and life experiences within the family, preschool, child care or the first years of school. Literacy teaching approaches which build on what children already know about print, reading and writing and which places an emphasis on the role of teachers and parents as co-constructors in a child's literacy learning will be examined. The particular needs of children for whom English is not their first language will be addressed. The students will examine how young children construct knowledge, develop skills and attitudes relating to their social world particularly as they move out of the family into a wider community. In addition, students will explore the appropriate pedagogy in the teaching of an anti-bias curriculum to support young children's growing understanding of themselves and their social world. The link between cultural studies and literacy will be made through an analysis of young children's literature with particular reference to gender, race, class, age, culture and exceptionality as represented in these texts.

Assessment Assignment (3000 words): 60% - Fieldwork tasks and workshop material (2000 words): 40%

Recommended texts

Bredekamp S and Rosegrant T Reaching potentials: Appropriate curriculum and assessment for young children vol. 1, National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1992
Creaser B and Dau E The anti-bias approach in early childhood Pymble Harper, 1996
Emmitt M and Pollock J Language and learning OUP, 1997
Makin L, Campbell J and Diaz Jones C One childhood many languages: Guidelines for early childhood education in Australia Pymble Harper, 1995

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