
Research design in teaching English as a foreign language

Ms M-T Jensen

12 points - 8 hours per week - Second semester during July and August - Clayton - Offered only to a cohort of international students

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be prepared to undertake a research project. They also should have a critical understanding of approaches to research in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and English as a foreign language (EFL) learning, particularly action research and qualitative approaches; have an understanding of epistemological and methodological issues in research design, and be able to select and develop methods of data collection and analysis appropriate for their research aim(s); be able to identify and respond appropriately to ethical issues in the conduct of research and they should have completed a proposal for research to be undertaken as the final step in the Master of Education (TEFL) course.

Synopsis This subject examines a range of approaches to research design and methodology, focusing on naturalistic research methods. Action research and case studies are presented, and methodological issues arising from classroom observation, recording and transcription are discussed. Informant interviewing and document analyses are also discussed. The subject includes information about all stages of planning and undertaking a research project, using library and internet resources, ethical approval, conventions in style and citations, planning the literature review, the supervision and examination processes, and finally dissemination of research findings.

Assessment Record of reflections (2000 words): 30% - Oral presentation (1500 words): 20% - Assignment (2500 words): 50%

Recommended texts

Allwright D and Bailey K Focus on the language classroom. Cambridge University Press, 1991
Johnson D .M Approaches to research in second language learning Longman, 1992

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