
Adult education and training: policies and practices

Ms A Clemans

12 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed an understanding of the policy trends and teaching issues affecting national and state provision of adult education and training; gained familiarity with the debates surrounding policies associated with the training reform agenda and the national training framework; examined the impact of policy trends on various educational programs including VET, labour market programs, those associated with non-traditional and equity target groups, language and literacy programs and workplace training; and critically reviewed teaching practices centred around work-related learning as they have been shaped by current policy directions.

Synopsis This subject is designed for those interested in management and teaching issues in work-related learning. The subject looks at the broad social, political and economic context and how this impacts and shapes adult education and training. This includes workplace and training reform agendas along with the establishment of a national approach to VET curriculum. It takes up the teaching and learning issues that emerge within the workplace contexts of participating students, extending and reflecting practice. It has both a theoretical and practical base. Relevant theory and research are examined along with their implications for practice. It provides opportunities to contextualise students workplace settings by drawing connections between policy and practice.

Assessment Written assignments (totalling 6000 words): 100% - Class presentation

Recommended texts

Foley G (ed.) Understanding adult education and training Allen and Unwin, 1995
Harris R, Guthrie H, Hobart B and Lundberg D Competency-based education and training: Between a rock and a whirlpool Macmillan, 1995
Marginson S Markets in education Allen and Unwin, 1997

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