
Gifted education in the classroom

Lecturer-in-charge to be advised

8 points - Second semester - Distance - Introductory weekend school (optional)

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have developed skills to enable them to effectively identify and cater for the gifted students in their classrooms; knowledge and understanding of the theory behind the concept of giftedness; access to practical strategies to enable them to design curriculum that is challenging to high-ability students.

Synopsis This subject will introduce students to the latest research concerning the theory and practice related to the teaching of gifted and talented students in the Australian and particularly, Victorian context. It will provide students with the skills to develop effective strategies for identifying and catering for the gifted students in their classrooms. The main topics covered will be conception of giftedness and characteristics of gifted students; identification of gifted students, including underachiever; instructional models of giftedness, multiple intelligences and learning styles; catering for the gifted - grouping, acceleration, enrichment, differentiation, assessment, thinking skills, and metacognition

Assessment Reflective journal (2000 words): 40% - Essay (2000 words): 60%

Recommended texts

Directorate of School Education Victoria Bright futures: Policy implementation strategies Directorate of School Education Victoria, 1995
Start K B 'Teacher education for chip: Things are improving' in Cursor Issue 5, December 1993

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