
Cognitive, personality and educational assessment

Associate Professor D H P Harvey

12 points - 3 hours per week - First Semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: An approved four-year sequence in psychology

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge of the professional and ethical issues which arise when assessing and reporting on the intellectual and academic abilities and personality of children and adolescents; knowledge of aspects of psychological test construction; initial skills in administration and scoring of tests of personality and intelligence, behavioural checklists and tests of academic attainment suitable for use with children and adolescents; basic skills in the administration and scoring of tests for children with sensory and neurological deficits; an ability to select appropriate means of assessment for children of different ages and deficits and to report their conclusions accurately and concisely.

Synopsis The aim of this subject is to develop students' capacity to accurately assess the intellectual and academic skills and personality of children from pre-school age to late adolescence irrespective of factors such as sensory or neurological deficits which might militate against a meaningful assessment. Students undertaking this subject will be given practice in the administration, scoring and interpretation of a range of psychological tests while at the same time developing an awareness of the limitations of such tests. Students will also be taught how to report their findings. Ethical and professional issues relevant to undertaking this type of intervention will be discussed.

Assessment Evaluation of psychological tests: 40% - Assignment: 30% - Test: 30%

Recommended texts

American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV) 1994
Kaufman S Intelligent testing with the WISC-III 1997
Sattler J Assessment of children 3rd edn, Sattler, 1992

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