Other indices
3 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z e
Units indexed by Name: P
LAW7118 Pacific comparative law
LAW5118 Pacific comparative law 506
MGX5150 Pacific rim employee relations
FOR2006 Paediatric forensic medicine
DFM3003 Pain management
FNA2305 Painting 3B
FNA3205 Painting studio 5
FNA3206 Painting studio 6
DFM3004 Palliative care
MFM1001 Palliative care
NUR9203 Palliative care nursing practice
CHE5163 Paper production properties and use
GSC3304 Paradigms of Practice
SCW3304 Paradigms of Practice
CSE4333 Parallel systems
PAR3080 Paramedic clinical educator
PAR3070 Paramedic clinical manager
BHS3719 Parapsychology
LAW4163 Parents children and the state 406
CIV5307 Parking policy and design
MTH3011 Partial Differential Equations
PLT3521 Parties and Power in Australia
PLT2521 Parties and Power in Australia
GBL4002 Patents and biotechnology
LAW7119 Patents, trade secrets and allied rights
MIC3032 Pathogenesis of bacterial infectious diseases
COG2111 Pattern Recognition
LAW7092 Payment systems and electronic banking law
AFC4344 Pension and financial planning
AFC3440 Pension and financial planning
BHS2390 People Skills
PSY3051 Perception and personality
TAD1206 Perception, imagination and judgement
DWG2509 Perceptual drawing (the figure) A
DWG3519 Perceptual drawing (the figure) B
DWG3529 Perceptual drawing (the figure) C
DWG2510 Perceptual drawing A
DWG3520 Perceptual drawing B
DWG3530 Perceptual drawing C
DTH4003 Performance Investigation
MUM5980 Performance Research Project
MUS2470 Performance Studies: Early Music Ensemble
MUS3470 Performance Studies: Early Music Ensemble
MUS2480 Performance Studies: Indonesian Gamelan
DTS4120 Performance Theory
MGF3361 Performance management
ECE5414 Performance of telecommunication networks
ECE4414 Performance of telecommunication networks
CSE3395 Perl programming
CSE2395 Perl programming
AFF3111 Personal financial planning
MGP1009 Personality disorders
MPM1009 Personality theory semester 1
GSC2711 Personality: Beyond the Persona
BHS2711 Personality: Beyond the Persona
MGF4030 Perspectives and paradigms in management theory
MGC4220 Perspectives and paradigms in management theory
EDF5416 Perspectives of Early Childhood Education
EDF1301 Perspectives on Learning
EDF1302 Perspectives on Teaching
PLM5520 Perspectives on World Politics
PLM4520 Perspectives on World Politics
PLT4529 Perspectives on World Politics
MGX5210 Perspectives on management
TAD2102 Perspectives on post-war practices 2A
TAD3102 Perspectives on post-war practices 3A
TAD3112 Perspectives on post-war practices 3B
VCP1071 Pharmaceutical chemistry
ECX9710 Pharmaceutical economics
VCP2061 Pharmaceutical microbiology I
VCP3061 Pharmaceutical microbiology II
VCP2031 Pharmaceutics I
VCP3031 Pharmaceutics II
VCP4031 Pharmaceutics III
RAD2031 Pharmacology
VCP2041 Pharmacology I
VCP3041 Pharmacology II
VCP4041 Pharmacology III
NUR2201 Pharmacology and therapeutics
PHA4100 Pharmacology research project
VCP1011 Pharmacy practice I
VCP2011 Pharmacy practice II
VCP3011 Pharmacy practice III
VCP4011 Pharmacy practice IV
MTE2503 Phase equilibria and microstructure
EDF8205 Philosophical Issues in Curriculum Development
NUR4204 Philosophical inquiry in nursing
MVA4021 Philosophies of the studio A
MVA4022 Philosophies of the studio B
PHL4010 Philosophy Honours A
PHL4020 Philosophy Honours B
PHM5010 Philosophy Masters A
PHM5110 Philosophy Masters B
PHM4020 Philosophy Masters Qualifying B
PHL2260 Philosophy of Art
PHL3260 Philosophy of Art
PHL3610 Philosophy of Law
PHL2650 Philosophy of Mind
PHL2670 Philosophy of Religion
PHL1070 Philosophy: Life, Death and Morality
PHL1080 Philosophy: Time, Self and Freedom
LIN3110 Phonetics and Phonology
LIN2110 Phonetics and Phonology
PHO1202 Photography 2B
PHO2204 Photography as Matter: Silver, Gelatin, Glass and Paper
PHO3203 Photography as evidence: constructing the documentary image 3
PHO2203 Photography as evidence:constructing the documentary image
PHO3204 Photography as matter: Silver, gelatin, glass and paper 3
PHO2205 Photography, identity and sexuality 2
PHO3205 Photography, identity and sexuality 3
PHO2206 Photography: a constructed reality 2
PHO3206 Photography: a constructed reality 3
PHO2207 Photomedia - Fabrication
PHO2208 Photomedia - processes
PHO3105 Photomedia 5
PHO3106 Photomedia 6
PHO1203 Photomedia imaging 1
PHO3103 Photomedia studio 3
PHO3104 Photomedia studio 4
PHS3051 Photons for Communication
PHS3042 Physical Phenomena of the Solid State
PHS1617 Physical Science
MTE3502 Physical metallurgy
IND2903 Physical risk treatment
PHS1011 Physics
PHS1022 Physics
ENG1801 Physics A
ENG1802 Physics B
ENG1803 Physics C
PHS3350 Physics Project 1
PHS3360 Physics Project 2
RTS4000 Physics and instrumentation for radiation therapy 1
RTS4024 Physics and instrumentation for radiation therapy 2
ASP3222 Physics for Astrophysics
PHS1042 Physics for Bio and Environmental Sciences
PHS2022 Physics for Communications and Measurement
PHS1842 Physics for the Environment
PHS1031 Physics for the Living World
ECE2903 Physics of electronic devices
SON4000 Physics of medical ultrasound and instrumentation
PHS4100 Physics thesis project
PHS2011 Physics: Quantum Concepts and Technologies
BIO2711 Physiological Communication
BIO2717 Physiological Function
VCP1081 Physiology
VCF1081 Physiology
NUR6801 Physiology of ageing
PHY2032 Physiology of human health
PHY4100 Physiology research project
GES3760 Place and Politics of Identity
GES2760 Place and the Politics of Identity
MHP5102 Placement I
MHP5112 Placement II
MHP5122 Placement III
ESC1011 Planet Earth and Its Environment: the Cosmic Connection
ENV1011 Planet Earth and Its Environment: the Cosmic Connection
ESC1022 Planet Earth: Dynamic Systems, Environmental Change and Resources
LAW7240 Planning and environment law and practice
LAW7059 Planning law
BIO3082 Plant Responses to the Environment
BIO2082 Plant Responses to the Environment
BIO2051 Plant and Animal Ecology
MTE3506 Plasticity and metal shaping
PHL2130 Plato and Platonism
EDF5409 Play and Pedagogy
EDF4200 Play and education in a paediatric setting
CLS4030 Poetics
CRT5030 Poetics
CRT4030 Poetics
ENH2650 Poetry: Text and Performance
ENH3650 Poetry: Text and Performance
PHA3052 Poisons and toxins
PCE4010 Policing, Protest and Politics
MGX9370 Policy analysis
EDF2808 Policy and Change in Adult Education and Training
EDF6821 Policy and Governance
EDF8206 Policy and Management in Tertiary Education
SWM5140 Policy, Program Planning and Evaluation I
SWM5150 Policy, Program Planning and Evaluation II
SLA1050 Polish Studies 5
PHL3510 Political Philosophy
SCY2480 Political Sociology
SCY3480 Political Sociology
GSC1505 Politics and Health
HPL2507 Politics and Society
GSC2507 Politics and Society
PLT3170 Politics and the Media in Australia
PLT2170 Politics and the Media in Australia
PLT3470 Politics of Development
PLT2470 Politics of Development
PLT3990 Politics of Environmentalism
PLT2990 Politics of Environmentalism
MID1004 Politics of maternity services
MTE4560 Polymer engineering
MTE2505 Polymer morphology and structure
CHE4134 Polymer process engineering
MTE3509 Polymer rheology and processing
EDF2242 Popular Culture: Structure, Perceptions, Interpretations
CLS3075 Popular Fiction and Popular Culture
CLS2075 Popular Fiction and Popular Culture
TAD3207 Popular culture and contemporary communication 3A
TAD3217 Popular culture and contemporary communication 3B
SCY2310 Population and Migration
SCY3310 Population and Migration
ECC4550 Population and development
AFF9350 Portfolio management and theory
MUM5061 Portfolio of Compositions and Critical Commentary
ECC4710 Post-Keynesian economics
CLS3250 Post-Marxist Critical Theory
CLS2250 Post-Marxist Critical Theory
RSS2020 Post-Soviet Literature and Culture
RSS1020 Post-Soviet Literature and Culture
CLS3790 Postmodernism and the Novel
PLT3870 Power and Democracy in Australia
PLT2870 Power and Democracy in Australia
GES2660 Power and Poverty: Geographies of Uneven Global Development
ECE5505 Power electronic applications
GEG3553 Power electronics
ECE4505 Power electronics applications
ECE3502 Power electronics, machines and systems
GEG4504 Power systems
BND3021 Practical dietetic skills
ETC3440 Practical econometrics
ETC2410 Practical econometrics
ETC4344 Practical econometrics
ETW2410 Practical econometrics
MCE1100 Practical techniques and statistics in embryology I
MCE1200 Practical techniques and statistics in embryology II
GSC4902 Practice and Representation in Journalism
JRN4902 Practice and Representation in Journalism
MFM1008 Practice management
LIN3330 Pragmatics: Strategies for Communication
LIN2330 Pragmatics: Strategies for Communication
LAW7282 Pre trial analysis and preparation
ARM5060 Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
ARM4060 Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
ARY4060 Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
GRS1003 Pregnancy and parturition
MCE1212 Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and embryo gene expression
DTS3970 Preparation for Performance
NUR3119 Prespecialisation nursing studies
MPH2060 Prevention: Policies and strategies
DFM3005 Preventive care
MFM1005 Preventive care in clinical practice
MED4004 Preventive medicine and medical research
EDF5106 Primary Art and Music Education
EDF5104 Primary English Education
EDF5108 Primary Health and Physical Education
EDF5103 Primary Mathematics Education
EDF5107 Primary Science and Technology Education
EDF5105 Primary Studies of Society and Environment
MPH2048 Primary health care in developing countries
CMH2007 Primary mental health practice
MPH2025 Principles and practice of public health
EDF5512 Principles of Behaviour Change
RLT2140 Principles of Christian Theology
RLT3140 Principles of Christian Theology
EDF4021 Principles of Everyday Behaviour Analysis in Education
PRL1002 Principles of Public Relations Writing
GSC1002 Principles of Public Relations Writing
LAW7274 Principles of administrative law
DCP0006 Principles of adolescent psychotherapy
IMM3051 Principles of applied immunology
CHE2114 Principles of chemical processing systems II
DCP0005 Principles of child psychotherapy
LAW7272 Principles of civil procedure
LAW7268 Principles of constitutional law
LAW7265 Principles of contract law
LAW7210 Principles of corporate insolvency
LAW7275 Principles of corporations law
LAW7264 Principles of criminal law and procedure
CSE3180 Principles of database systems
PHA3011 Principles of drug action
LAW7269 Principles of equity
LAW7273 Principles of evidence
MFM2000 Principles of general practice
MPH2067 Principles of health care quality improvement
ECX9750 Principles of health economics for developing countries
MPH2045 Principles of health risk assessment
ECC2100 Principles of macroeconomics
ECC1100 Principles of macroeconomics
MKC2200 Principles of marketing
MKC1200 Principles of marketing
MKX9031 Principles of media planning, buying and selling
ECC1000 Principles of microeconomics
LAW7076 Principles of privacy and freedom of information
LAW7267 Principles of property law
AFF4031 Principles of risk transfer
DCP0007 Principles of short term therapy and crisis work
EPM5003 Principles of statistical inference
MGC2110 Principles of strategic management
LAW7266 Principles of torts
LAW7271 Principles of trusts
DCP0008 Principles of working with parents
FNA1501 Printmaking 1B
FNA1502 Printmaking 1C
FNA1503 Printmaking 2B
FNA1504 Printmaking 2C
PRM1411 Printmedia practice and theory 1A
PRM1431 Printmedia practice and theory 1B
PRM1412 Printmedia practice and theory 2A
PRM1442 Printmedia practice and theory 2B
LAW7246 Privacy and information security in cyberspace
MGX9330 Privatisation
MTH3276 Probability Models and Simulation
MBA9055 Problem solving in a business environment
CHE4146 Process analysis
CHE3107 Process control
CHE3108 Process design and operation I
CHE3109 Process design and operation II
CHE4109 Process design and operation III
ENE2101 Process engineering I
ENE2102 Process engineering II
CHE5161 Process engineering of pulping
CHE4110 Process simulation and control
GYM4620 Processing and Development of Image Data in Gis
HFE4022 Product and work station design
VCF1101 Product development I
VCF2101 Product development II
VCF3101 Product development III
IDE1602 Product drawing
IDE1601 Product drawing 1
IDE2602 Product drawing 2
IDE2701 Product interface design
PER1260 Production Practice
GEG6904 Production and operations management
GSE3804 Production engineering
IND4313 Production planning and control
INT2010 Production, Consumerism and the Environment in the Contemporary World
INT2015 Production, Consumerism and the Environment in the Contemporary World
INT3015 Production, Consumerism and the Environment in the Contemporary World
CVL4040 Professional Celebration of Rites of Passage
CHI4559 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 1
CHI3550 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 1
CHI4550 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 1
CHI4560 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
CHI4569 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
CHI3560 Professional Chinese Language Internship, Part 2
SCY4660 Professional Honours in Social Research I: Key Issues
SCY4670 Professional Honours in Social Research II: Research Project
MUS2020 Professional Practice 1
MUS2030 Professional Practice 2
MUS3610 Professional Practice 3
MUS3620 Professional Practice 4
EDF6010 Professional Project (A)
EDF6020 Professional Project (B)
PRF4020 Professional Research and Communication
PRF4040 Professional Studies Internship
GCO1063 Professional communication
CSE1304 Professional communication and presentation
TEC3521 Professional communications
MEC5415 Professional disputations
EDF5110 Professional experience 1
GHS1443 Professional issues
EDF5421 Professional issues 1: a focus on the classroom
EDF5424 Professional issues 2: a focus on the profession
GHS2444 Professional issues II
GHS2444M Professional issues II
GHS2444S Professional issues II
GHS2444H Professional issues II
NSG6303 Professional issues in hospice and palliative care
PAR3010 Professional issues in paramedic practice
IMS5015 Professional practice
LAR3634 Professional practice
LAR3654 Professional practice (lib)
LAW5120 Professional practice (summer) 506
LAR3672 Professional practice (teacher librarianship)
RTS4010 Professional practice 1
RTS4023 Professional practice 2
LAW5216 Professional practice 512
PPR3201 Professional practice A
PPR2110 Professional practice D
PPR4002 Professional practice and business planning for design
IND3318 Professional practice for engineers I
IND4337 Professional practice for engineers II
EDF6232 Professional practice for teachers of English as a foreign language
HFE4062 Professional practice in human factors and ergonomics
LAW7234 Professional regulation and conduct
MKC2300 Professional services marketing
EDF3801 Program Design and Delivery
EDF2124 Program Music: Seeing With Your Ears
CPE3007 Program development using UNIX
BND4042 Program planning
CSE1202 Programming 1 with Java
CSE1203 Programming 2 with Java
BUS9004 Programming for business
GCO2851 Programming for business applications
BUS2011 Programming for business applications
MMS1801 Programming fundamentals
GCO9801 Programming fundamentals
CSE3322 Programming languages and implementation
PLT3140 Progress and Despair: Modern Political Ideologies and Theories
PLT2140 Progress and Despair: Modern Political Ideologies and Theories
CSE3301 Project
CSE4886 Project (digital communications)
CIV4210 Project A
CIV4211 Project B
MTE4525 Project I
MTE4526 Project II
GSE2800 Project and practice
BUS5150 Project management
BUS2176 Project management
MBA9052 Project management
GCO3807 Project management
MMS2203 Project management
BUS5001 Project management
GCO5807 Project management
CPE2006 Project management
CIV3205 Project management for civil engineers
CPE7606 Project management for health professionals
MGW2700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
MGW1700 Project management for small to medium enterprises
AFW3043 Project planning and control
PPR3712 Project planning and development for multimedia
PPR3107 Project planning and research for industrial design
PPR3108 Project planning and research for interior architecture
VCO3109 Project planning and research for visual communication
FNA4001 Project studies (Fine Art Honours)
VIS4001 Project studies (Visual Arts Honours)
JST5060 Projects in Australia-Japan Cultural Interaction
JST4060 Projects in Australia-Japan Cultural Interaction
JIT5940 Projects in Japanese Interpreting and Translation
CSE3393 Prolog programming
CSE2393 Prolog programming
LAW3400 Property 312
LAW7236 Property transactions
CSE4890 Propriety network architectures
MAE3901 Propulsion systems
BCH3011 Proteins: structural biology and disease
CSE5804 Protocol engineering
LAW7207 Psychiatry, psychology and law
DCP0001 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories I
DCP0003 Psychoanalytic and developmental theories II
DCP0004 Psychodynamic assessment of children and adolescents
LIN3430 Psycholinguistics and Child Language Acquisition
LIN2430 Psycholinguistics and Child Language Acquisition
EDF5503 Psychological Assessment
PSL3072 Psychological Foundations of Law
PSY4503 Psychological assessment
MHP5072 Psychological assessment
DPSY5102 Psychological assessment part 1
DPSY5202 Psychological assessment part 2
MED6003 Psychological medicine
MED4003 Psychological medicine
PSY4506 Psychological practice (Placement)
PSY3041 Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
APY1910 Psychology
PSY1011 Psychology 1A
PSY1022 Psychology 1B
DPSY7112 Psychology and children's and family law
DPSY7212 Psychology and civil law
DPSY7211 Psychology and criminal law
BHS3717 Psychology at Work
PSY4200 Psychology honours: Theory and practice
BHS3716 Psychology of Sport and Adventure
PSY3162 Psychology of language
PMM3020 Psychology, management and marketing
EDF6505 Psychopathology
DPSY5101 Psychopathology part 1
DPSY5201 Psychopathology part 2
DPSY6105 Psychopharmacology
MGP1008 Psychotic disorders
ARY3950 Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
HYM5170 Public History Placement
HYM5100 Public History Research Project
PRL2002 Public Relations Research and Techniques
PRL2003 Public Relations Theory and Processes
GSC2410 Public Relations Theory and Processes
FNA2003 Public art
ECC5810 Public economics
ECC3810 Public finance
ECC4381 Public finance
MED5003 Public health
MPH2053 Public health in refugee settings
BND3082 Public health nutrition
MPH2031 Public health policy
MGX9270 Public management
CSE2800 Public networks
MGX9230 Public policy
MKW3261 Public relations campaigns
MKW3231 Public relations consulting
MKW2221 Public relations principles and practice
MKW1220 Public relations writing
LAW7041 Public sector employment law
MGX5440 Public sector financial management
MGX9260 Public sector human resource management
CSE4891 Public telecommunications networks
MKW2251 Publicity and promotion
PUB5005 Publishing Industry Project
PUB4003 Publishing Processes and new Technology
CHE5167 Pulp and paper laboratory
CHE4142 Pulp and paper technology
ENH2410 Puritans and Sinners: Interrogating the American Tradition
ENH3410 Puritans and Sinners: Interrogating the American Tradition