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Monash University Handbooks


Product and work station design (6 points)


Leader: Professor Tom Triggs, Mr Arthur DeBono, and Mr Peter Gregory

Not offered in 2003.

Synopsis: Good design reduces the risk of human error and occupational injuries. This unit will systematically address the biomechanical and anthropometric principles of good design, and outline the need to consider environmental stressors and interpersonal and organisational factors when designing workspaces. The need to accomodate affordances and population stereotypes in design will be emphasised, and features of good standing and seated workstations will be outlined. Cognitive ergonomics and the features of good human-computer interfaces will be addressed. The laboratory component will focus upon the identification and remediation of design faults in products, workstations, and procedures.

Assessment: Examination (3 hours, short answer): 55% + Laboratory report (2000 words): 20% + Essay (2000 words): 20% + Seminar: 5%

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week

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