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Personality: Beyond the Persona (6 points)


Leader: Maurie Hasen

Caulfield First semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2003 (Day)
Gippsland First semester 2003 (Day)
Gippsland First semester 2003 (OCL)

Synopsis: This unit will examine personality from a series of perspectives broadly represented by the psychoanalytic, phenomenological, dispositional and behavioural approaches. Significant theorists representing these approaches will be studied and their theories evaluated and compared. Particular attention will be paid to Adler, Fromm and Horney; May, Maslow and Rogers; Eysenck, Skinner and Bandura. The challenges raised by social, existential and humanistic approaches will be emphasised.

Assessment: Insight journal (2000 words): 40%; + Tutorial presentation (500 words): 20%; + Examination (2 hours): 40%

Contact Hours: Lecture (1 hour), tutorial (1 hour).

Prerequisites: Any of GSC1711, GSC1712, BHS1320, BHS1340, PSY1011, PSY1022 or equivalent.

Prohibitions: GSC2711, BHS2711.

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