
  • ANT2011: Anatomy
  • ANT2022: Anatomy
  • ANT3011: Anatomy
  • ANT3022: Anatomy
  • ANT4000: Anatomy
  • APY4010: Psychology - advanced psychological assessment and classification
  • APY4020: Psychology - changing behaviour
  • APY4030: Psychology - multivariate data analysis
  • APY4040: Psychology: professional practice
  • APY4060: Psychology - applied research project
  • ASC1626: Cell biology
  • ASC1637: Biology of mammalian systems
  • ASC1736: Science, technology and society
  • ASC2629: Information and research methodology
  • ASC2646: Biochemistry
  • ASC2657: Cellular metabolism
  • ASC2666: Introductory microbiology
  • ASC2676: The microorganisms
  • ASC2687: Microbial cell function
  • ASC2697: Food microbiology
  • ASC2716: Physiological communication
  • ASC2727: Physiological function
  • ASC3615: Laboratory and workplace management
  • ASC3639: Applied research project
  • ASC3646: Medical aspects of cell biology
  • ASC3657: Molecular biology and biotechnology
  • ASC3676: Industrial microbiology
  • ASC3687: Medical microbiology
  • ASC3697: Environmental microbiology
  • ASP1010: Earth to cosmos: introductory astronomy
  • ASP1022: Life and the universe
  • ASP2031: Introductory astronomy: exploring the solar system
  • ASP2042: Introductory astronomy: the stars and beyond
  • ASP3011: Stars
  • ASP3021: Astrophysical fluids
  • ASP3032: Galaxies
  • ASP3042: Cosmology
  • ASP3111: Numerical solution of partial differential equations
  • ASP3121: Special relativity
  • ASP3132: Techniques for scientific computing
  • ASP3211: Physics for astrophysics I
  • ASP3222: Physics for astrophysics II
  • ASP4000: Astrophysics honours
  • ATM1010: The dynamic atmosphere
  • ATM2121: Introduction to atmospheric sciences
  • ATM2132: Numerical methods
  • ATM2211: Climates of the earth boundary layer
  • ATM2242: Environmental hydrology
  • ATM3121: Air pollution meteorology and modelling
  • ATM3132: Advanced fluid mechanics
  • ATM3141: Numerical solution of partial differential equations
  • ATM3162: Dynamical meteorology
  • ATM3172: Introduction to fluid dynamics
  • ATM3212: The Australian atmospheric environment: a synoptic-scale approach
  • ATM3251: Climate change and variability
  • ATM4000: Atmospheric science honours
  • BCH2011: Biomolecular structure and function
  • BCH2022: Biochemistry of cells and tissues
  • BCH2031: Biomedical molecular biology
  • BCH2042: Medical biochemistry of cells and tissues
  • BCH3011: Biomolecules and technology
  • BCH3022: Molecular biology of the cell
  • BCH3031: Biomedical biochemistry and molecular biology
  • BCH3042: Biochemistry and molecular biology of disease
  • BCH4000: Advanced biochemistry and molecular biology
  • BIO1011: Biology
  • BIO1022: Biology
  • BIO1042: Environmental biology
  • BIO2011: Ecology
  • BIO2022: Evolution and systematics
  • BIO2031: Biodiversity and bioresources
  • BIO2042: Conservation biology
  • BIO3011: Research methods in biology
  • BIO3021: Marine biology
  • BIO3041: Mammalian biology
  • BIO3052: Animal behaviour
  • BIO3072: Animal ecophysiology
  • BIO3081: Plant responses to the environment
  • BIO3092: Ecology and evolution of the Australian vegetation
  • BIO3112: Ecological management of biological resources
  • BIO3122: Freshwater ecology
  • BIO4000: Biology honours
  • BOT2032: Structure and function of plants: from cells to organism
  • BOT2041: Evolution of plant diversity
  • CHE3071: Chemical engineering science
  • CHE3082: Chemical engineering science
  • CHE4000: Chemical engineering science honours
  • CHM1011: Chemistry
  • CHM1022: Chemistry
  • CHM1031: The world of chemistry I
  • CHM1042: The world of chemistry II
  • CHM1616: Chemistry for biology
  • CHM1639: Chemistry
  • CHM2011: Chemistry
  • CHM2022: Chemistry
  • CHM2031: Chemical science
  • CHM2052: Aquatic chemistry
  • CHM2111: Mechanistic and structural chemistry
  • CHM2121: Analytical chemistry, valency and spectroscopy
  • CHM2132: Materials and synthetic chemistry
  • CHM2142: Chemical energetics and surface chemistry
  • CHM2151: Biological chemistry
  • CHM2181: Chemistry and the environment
  • CHM2192: Aquatic chemistry I
  • CHM2202: Aquatic chemistry II
  • CHM2212: Chemistry of life
  • CHM2222: Chemistry of bioactive molecules
  • CHM2232: Understanding biological molecules
  • CHM2616: Physical and inorganic chemistry
  • CHM2627: Organic and biocoordination chemistry
  • CHM2636: Instrumental techniques
  • CHM2647: Chemical analysis and chromatography
  • CHM3031: Chemistry
  • CHM3042: Chemistry
  • CHM3051: Chemistry
  • CHM3062: Chemistry
  • CHM3071: Chemistry topics
  • CHM3082: Chemistry topics
  • CHM3616: Biotransformations and natural products
  • CHM3626: Advanced elemental analysis
  • CHM3637: Advanced chemical principles
  • CHM3647: Chemistry of new materials
  • CHM3657: Physical and spectroscopic analysis
  • CHM4000: Chemistry
  • CSC2030: Formal methods I
  • CSE1301: Computer programming
  • CSE1303: Computer science
  • CSE2302: Operating systems
  • CSE2303: Formal methods I
  • CSE2304: Algorithms and data structures
  • CSE2305: Object-oriented software engineering
  • CSE2306: Digital logic
  • CSE2307: Numerical computing
  • CSE2309: Artificial intelligence
  • CSE2316: Database management systems
  • CSE2319: Second-year topics in computer science
  • CSE2324: Computer architecture
  • CSE2325: Multimedia programming and the World Wide Web
  • CSE2391: UNIX tools
  • CSE2393: Prolog programming
  • CSE2394: LISP programming
  • CSE3301: Project
  • CSE3302: Software engineering project
  • CSE3304: Computer organisation
  • CSE3305: Formal methods II
  • CSE3306: Microprocessors
  • CSE3308: Software engineering: analysis and design
  • CSE3309: Artificial intelligence
  • CSE3313: Computer graphics
  • CSE3314: Image processing
  • CSE3316: Database management systems
  • CSE3318: Data communications and computer networks
  • CSE3319: Third-year topics in computer science
  • CSE3320: Machine learning
  • CSE3322: Programming languages and implementation
  • CSE3324: Computer architecture
  • CSE3325: Multimedia programming and the World Wide Web
  • CSE3391: UNIX tools
  • CSE3393: Prolog programming
  • CSE3394: LISP programming
  • CSC4000: Computer science honours
  • ENV1011: Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
  • ENV1022: Australian physical environments: evolution, status and management
  • ENV1616: Environmental science 1 - the dynamic environment
  • ENV2626: Conservation of bio-resources
  • ENV2637: Environmental science 2 - resource management issues
  • ENV2647: Soil science
  • ENV2657: Environmental health
  • ENV3002: Environmental monitoring
  • ENV3616: Atmospheric processes
  • ENV3627: Atmospheric issues
  • ENV3637: Environmental management
  • ENV3647: Forest management
  • ENV3656: Natural area management
  • ESC1011: Planet earth and its environment: the cosmic connection
  • ESC1022: Planet earth: dynamic systems, environmental change and resources
  • ESC2011: Crustal processes
  • ESC2022: Petrology
  • ESC2032: The history of vertebrate life on planet earth
  • ESC2042: Environmental geoscience I
  • ESC2061: Field geology
  • ESC2081: Sedimentation, stratigraphy and biostratigraphy
  • ESC2091: Structural geology and tectonics
  • ESC2102: Crystallography, optics and mineralogy
  • ESC3111: Magmatic processes and products
  • ESC3121: Structural geology
  • ESC3131: Metamorphic geology
  • ESC3142: Sedimentary geology/palaeontology/stratigraphy
  • ESC3152: Petroleum geology
  • ESC3162: Ore deposit geology and geochemistry
  • ESC3180: Field excursion
  • ESC3191: Environmental geoscience II
  • ESC3200: Earth sciences project
  • GAS1751: Quantitative methods 1
  • GAS2642: Engineering mathematics 2
  • GAS4000: Experimental sciences (honours)
  • GAS4501: Counselling theory and practice A
  • GAS4502: Research methods in professional psychology
  • GAS4503: Psychological assessment
  • GAS4504: Ethics of professional practice
  • GAS4505: Counselling theory and practice B
  • GAS4510: Research project A
  • GAS4511: Research project B
  • GAS4600: Mathematical sciences (honours)
  • GCO1811: Computer programming I
  • GCO1812: Computer programming II
  • GCO1815: Computer technology
  • GCO2812: Computer organisation
  • GCO2814: Operating systems
  • GCO3812: Data communications and networks 1
  • GCO3813: UNIX systems programming
  • GCO3815: Artificial intelligence
  • GCO3817: Computer graphics
  • GCO3822: Multimedia concepts and applications
  • GCO3824: Data communications and networks 2
  • GEN2011: Genetic principles I - from chromosomes to populations
  • GEN2022: Genetic principles II - fundamentals of genetic engineering
  • GEN3011: Molecular, developmental and applied genetics
  • GEN3022: Human and population genetics
  • GEN4000: Genetics
  • GES1000: Natural environment and human impact
  • GES1020: Australian physical environments: evolution, status and management
  • GES1050: The global challenge
  • GES2130: Soils, land use and the environment
  • GES2150: Coastal geomorphology and management
  • GES2160: Coastal geomorphology and management
  • GES2170: Biogeography - the status of Australian vegetation
  • GES2190: Climates of the earth boundary layer
  • GES2210: Environmental hydrology
  • GES2420: Environmental policy and management
  • GES2430: Environmental policy and management
  • GES2490: Applied geography and field studies
  • GES2660: Power and poverty: geographies of the third world
  • GES2710: Southeast Asia
  • GES2750: Cities and communities
  • GES3220: Ecotourism
  • GES3230: Sustainable cities
  • GES3290: Society, nature and settlement in the New World
  • GES3350: Resource evaluation and management
  • GES3360: Soils, landscape and their management
  • GES3470: Development and environment in Asia-Pacific and Australia
  • GES3480: Dilemmas of policy and planning
  • GES3530: Landscape processes
  • GES3570: Quaternary ecology and ecosystem management
  • GES3610: Geographic information systems (GIS) for geodemographic, marketing and local government applications
  • GES3710: Southeast Asia
  • GES3810: Geographical information systems (GIS) for environmental management
  • GES3820: Geographic information systems (GIS) for environmental management
  • GES3850: The Australian atmospheric environment - a synoptic-scale approach
  • GES3860: Climate change and variability
  • GES3880: Prehistoric people and environment
  • GES4820: Seminar in geography
  • GES4840: Directed studies in geography
  • GES4860: Honours thesis
  • GPS3212: Global geophysics
  • GPS3221: Regional geophysics
  • GPS3232: Electrical geophysics
  • GPS3241: Exploration geophysics: reflection seismology
  • GPS3252: Quantitative seismology
  • GPS3262: Partial differential equations
  • GPS3272: Techniques of scientific computing
  • GPS3281: Applied physics
  • IMM3011: Immunology
  • IMM3022: Immunology
  • IMM4000: Immunology
  • MAT1049: Basic mathematics
  • MAT1055: Mathematics 1A
  • MAT1060: Statistical methods
  • MAT1077: Discrete mathematics
  • MAT1085: Mathematics 1B
  • MAT2000: Mathematics research project level 2
  • MAT2016: Mathematical structures
  • MAT2020: Linear mathematics
  • MAT2030: Calculus of several variables
  • MAT2040: Differential equations
  • MAT2047: Methods of applied mathematics
  • MAT2051: Introductory analysis
  • MAT2061: Statistics and data analysis
  • MAT2072: Numerical methods
  • MAT2077: Numerical methods
  • MAT2082: Discrete mathematics
  • MAT2091: Mathematics for industry
  • MAT2096: Mathematical modelling A
  • MAT2102: Introduction to fluid dynamics
  • MAT2121: Introduction to atmospheric sciences
  • MAT2156: Linear and integer programming
  • MAT2211: Simulation and probability modelling
  • MAT2216: Applied probability models
  • MAT2222: Statistical inference
  • MAT2236: Applied statistics 2
  • MAT2770: Design and analysis of sample surveys
  • MAT2790: Robust and nonparametric methods
  • MAT3000: Mathematics research project level 3
  • MAT3011: Complex analysis with applications
  • MAT3016: Complex analysis
  • MAT3022: Partial differential equations
  • MAT3026: Differential equations
  • MAT3031: Ordinary differential equations
  • MAT3037: Mathematical modelling B
  • MAT3041: Numerical solution of partial differential equations
  • MAT3047: Applied modern algebra
  • MAT3052: Techniques for scientific computing
  • MAT3057: Combinatorics
  • MAT3061: Special relativity
  • MAT3072: Geometry and analysis
  • MAT3082: Hilbert spaces
  • MAT3091: Number theory
  • MAT3102: Advanced fluid dynamics
  • MAT3111: Stars
  • MAT3121: Astrophysical fluids
  • MAT3132: Galaxies
  • MAT3142: Cosmology
  • MAT3151: Air pollution meteorology and modelling
  • MAT3157: Sequential decision models
  • MAT3162: Dynamical meteorology
  • MAT3167: Simulation
  • MAT3172: Quantitative seismology
  • MAT3182: Operations research
  • MAT3191: Group theory
  • MAT3199: Mathematical sciences project
  • MAT3211: Linear regression
  • MAT3221: Design and analysis
  • MAT3232: Inference
  • MAT3236: Applied statistics 3
  • MAT3242: Sample surveys
  • MAT3251: Time series
  • MAT3257: Forecasting models
  • MAT3262: Stochastic processes
  • MAT3910: Integral transforms and the calculus of variations
  • MAT4000: Mathematics honours
  • MTH1000: Mathematics research project level 1
  • MTH1010: Functions and their applications
  • MTH1020: Analysis of change
  • MTH1030: Techniques for modelling
  • MTH1110: Numbers, logic and graphs
  • MTH1210: Statistical methods for science
  • MTH2010: Multivariable calculus
  • MIC2011: Microbiology
  • MIC2022: Microbiology
  • MIC2032: Microbiology
  • MIC3011: Molecular biology of microorganisms
  • MIC3022: Biotechnology and medical microbiology
  • MIC3032: Medical microbiology and infectious diseases
  • MIC4000: Microbiology
  • MSC2011: Materials science
  • MSC2022: Materials science
  • MSC3011: Materials science
  • MSC3022: Materials science
  • MSC4000: Materials science honours
  • PHA3011: Pharmacology and toxicology
  • PHA3022: Pharmacology and toxicology
  • PHA4000: Pharmacology
  • PHS1011: Physics
  • PHS1022: Physics
  • PHS1031: Physics for the living world
  • PHS1042: Physics for bio- and environmental sciences
  • PHS1616: Physical science
  • PHS1627: Physics
  • PHS1639: Physics
  • PHS2011: Physics
  • PHS2022: Physics
  • PHS2031: Physics
  • PHS2042: Physics
  • PHS2051: Physics
  • PHS2062: Physics
  • PHS2311: Applied physics
  • PHS2322: Applied physics
  • PHS2431: Introduction to image processing
  • PHS2442: Digital image formation and analysis
  • PHS3011: Physics
  • PHS3022: Physics
  • PHS3031: Physics
  • PHS3042: Physics
  • PHS3051: Physics
  • PHS3062: Physics
  • PHS3131: Theoretical physics
  • PHS3142: Theoretical physics
  • PHS3331: Applied physics
  • PHS3342: Applied physics
  • PHS3351/PHS3352: Physics project
  • PHS3360/PHS3361/PHS3362: Physics project
  • PHS3431: Algorithms and architectures for image processing
  • PHS3442: Image-to-image mappings
  • PHS3450: Advances in image processing
  • PHS4000: Experimental physics honours
  • PHS4100: Theoretical physics honours
  • PHS4200: Applied physics honours
  • PHY2011: Neurosciences
  • PHY2022: Systems physiology
  • PHY2051: Biomedical neurosciences
  • PHY2062: Biomedical systems physiology
  • PHY3011: Advanced systems physiology
  • PHY3022: Advanced physiology
  • PHY3031: Advanced biomedical systems physiology
  • PHY3042: Advanced biomedical physiology
  • PHY4000: Physiology honours
  • PSY1011: Psychology 1A
  • PSY1022: Psychology 1B
  • PSY2011: Psychology 2A
  • PSY2022: Psychology 2B
  • PSY2032: Introduction to psychoanalytic theory
  • PSY3031: Abnormal psychology
  • PSY3042: Psychological testing, theories of ability and ethics
  • PSY3051: Perception and personality
  • PSY3062: Research methods and philosophy of psychology
  • PSY3071: Human neuropsychology and its evolutionary perspectives
  • PSY3082: Psychology of work and disability.
  • PSY3090: Cognitive science
  • PSY3102: Advanced psychobiology: brain and behaviour
  • PSY3111: Organisational Psychology
  • PSY3122: Experiential introduction to counselling
  • PSY3131: Health psychology
  • PSY3142: Psychology and the law
  • PSY4000: Psychology honours
  • SCI1010: How science works
  • SCI1020: The design of science
  • SCI3092: Technology management for scientists
  • SCI3094: Technology management for scientists II
  • ZOO2031: Animal diversity
  • ZOO2042: Animal structure and function