
Calculus of several variables

Coordinators: Dr Michael Reeder (First semester Clayton campus), Dr Alan Pryde (Second semester Clayton campus), Dr Jill Wright (Gippsland campus and distance education mode)

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - First/second semester: Clayton - First semester: Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisites: Any one of MAT1020, MAT1080, MAT1085 - Prohibitions: GAS2612, GAS2623, MAT2010, MAT2901, MAT2910, MAT2911, MTH2010

Objectives On the completion of this subject, students will be able to understand basic concepts in multivariable calculus and its applications in a number of areas of mathematics and science; they will be able to calculate line, double, triple and surface integrals; comprehend the concepts of gradient, divergence and curl; use the divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem; they will be acquainted with a computer algebra package and be able to use it to solve simple problems in the area of the subject.

Synopsis Functions of several variables, extreme values, Lagrange multipliers. Multiple integrals, line integrals, surface integrals. Vector differential calculus; grad, div and curl. Integral theorems of Gauss and Stokes. Functions of a complex variable. Use of a computer algebra package.

Assessment Examination (2 hours - Clayton; 3 hours - Gippsland and distance education): 70% - Assignments and/or tests: 30%

Prescribed texts

Adams R A Calculus of several variables 2nd edn, Addison-Wesley, 1991 or
Kreyszig E Advanced engineering mathematics 7th edn, Wiley, 1993

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