
Health psychology

Dr Graeme Hyman and Dr Catherine Rodgers

6 points - First semester - One 1-hour lecture and one 2 hour laboratory - Distance education students must complete a minimum of 12 hours on-campus weekend school laboratory work - Caulfield, Gippsland and distance - Prerequisites: PSY2011 and PSY2022 - Prohibition: APY3080

Objectives On the completion of this subject, students should be able to explain the role of psychosocial variables in health and illness states, and deficiencies in the biomedical model. Further, students will be able to explain the importance of psychosocial factors in patient adjustment to illness and dysfunction, treatment and rehabilitation. and to indicate how they, as health psychologists, can function as an important member of the health care team. Finally, students will be able to design educative programs in health psychology.

Synopsis The unit will examine the range of psychosocial factors which influence people's health behaviour, their susceptibility and reactions to illness states and responses to medical treatment. The field of Health Psychology encompasses the application of psychological theories to the study of the maintenance and promotion of health, the prevention of illness and the dysfunction and the rehabilitation of those already disabled. This unit is designed to students with the knowledge and skills needed to evaluate the effects of psychological variables on health and illness behaviour, the prevention of illness and adjustment to illness and dysfunction.

Assessment One 2-hour examination: 50% - One 2000-word laboratory report: 20% - One 2000-word essay: 20% - One tutorial presentation: 10%

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