
Ore deposit geology and geochemistry

Dr David Lambert

6 points - Second semester - twelve weeks lecture/practical coursework - Clayton - Prerequisite: ESC2022 - Prohibitions: ESC3011, ESC3022, ESC3051, ESC3062 (refer to department for advice)

Objectives This subject aims to provide an introduction to the study and interpretation of metallic ore deposits, their mineralogy, textures, structural history, environments of formation and genesis; expose the student to a wide range of ore deposit styles in the laboratory for both hand specimen and petrographic study; develop scientific methodologies for effective ore exploration in Australia and abroad.

Synopsis Ore deposit geology is an introduction to classification, distribution and characteristics of metalliferous ore deposits. Deposit types considered include those of magmatic, hydrothermal and sedimentary origin. A brief introduction is given on the chemistry of ore-forming magmas and solutions. The occurrence of common ore and gangue minerals (sulphides, oxides, metals and silicates) is examined in practical exercises, using both transmitted and incident light microscopy as well as hand specimen study.

Assessment Practical work: 30% - Practical examination: 20% - Lecture exams (2): 50%

Recommended texts

Craig J R and Vaughn D J Ore microscopy and ore petrography Wiley, 1994
Evans A M Ore geology and industrial minerals Blackwell, 1993

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