
Honours thesis

24 points - Full-year subject - Clayton

Objectives In participating in this subject, successful students will show that they can independently prepare a research proposal; defend a research proposal to an audience; pursue a program of research leading to the presentation of the thesis; demonstrate an ability to develop and sustain a coherent, literate and logical argument within the thesis; interpret, document and illustrate research findings; evaluate the relevance of the thesis project within the context of existing geographical knowledge; and interact with a supervisor and present an oral defence of the thesis.

Synopsis Dissertation or thesis topics are approved by the head of department, and students are assigned to a supervisor. Work on the thesis should commence as soon as possible after the third-year results are published in December, but no later than 1 February. The final date by which the thesis is to be presented will be announced near the beginning of the academic year, and is usually the last working day in October.

Assessment Written (10,000-15,000 words): 100%

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