
Ethics of professional practice

Mr Gordon Walker

6 points - Second semester - Distance - Prerequisite: Bachelors degree with a major in psychology from any Australian Psychological Society accredited course, GAS4501, GAS4503

Objectives On the completion of this subject students will understand the purpose of legislation relating to the practice of psychology and how to comply with such legislation; appreciate the role of ethics in maintaining the integrity and cohesiveness of the profession; become familiar with the ethical principles to be adhered to in psychological practice; understand the psychologist's responsibilities in relation to clients; understand how the responsibilities of the psychologist alter depending on the nature of psychological work being undertaken; develop skills in writing different types of psychological reports.

Synopsis This subject is designed to consider the ethical, legal and social issues involved in psychological practice. It will cover a wide range of topics including (a) the APsS Code of Professional Conduct; (b) the Psychologists Registration Act; (c) laws and codes that regulate the conduct of psychologists; and (d) issues arising in psychological practice that present ethical dilemmas and legal responsibilities.

Assessment Progressive coursework: 60% - Examination: 40%

Prescribed texts

Francis R D and Cameron C Handbook of professional psychology 2nd edn, Australian Academic Press, 1996
Bercoff D N Ethical conflicts in psychology American Psychological Association, 1995

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