

Associate Professor Charles Don

6 points - 6 hours per week on average (3 or 4 hours of lectures/problem classes plus a 2 or 3-hour laboratory class) - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: VCE Physics recommended - Corequisite: Recommended MTH1020 or MTH1030 - Prohibition: PHS1031

Objectives On completion of this subject a student should be able to analyse simple electrical circuits, explain and apply the principles of force, momentum and energy to simple mechanical situations; apply the basic concepts of special relativity; explain and apply the principles of waves, their propagation and behaviour in simple cases of diffraction and interference; carry out experiments and analyse data and write scientific reports.

Synopsis This subject comprises three units. (1) Electrical measurement: Resistive circuits, DC and AC currents, RC circuits, introduction to filtering. (2) Mechanics I: Non-rotational Newtonian mechanics, introduction to special relativity, introduction to thermodynamics. (3) Waves: The general behaviour of waves including reflection, polarisation, interference and diffraction with applications to optics, sound, and mechanical vibrations. Laboratory experiments are linked to these topics and develop a range of important experimental skills.

Assessment Examinations (2x2 hours): 60% - Laboratory work: 25% - Tests and assignments: 15%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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