
Research project A

Mr Gordon Walker

6 points - Second semester - Distance - Prerequisite: Bachelors degree with a major in psychology from any Australian Psychological Society accredited course

Objectives On the completion of this subject students will be able to review an area of research in counselling psychology; develop testable research hypotheses, develop appropriate design that will adequately test the proposed hypotheses; demonstrate an awareness of the ethical principles of research on human subjects and the particular issues presented by research in counselling.

Synopsis In this subject students will select an appropriate research topic in an area relevant to counselling psychology and subject to availability of a supervisor. They are required to develop this into a viable research proposal, including a preliminary literature review, and to submit a proposal for ethics approval.

Assessment Research proposal and ethics application: 100%

Prescribed texts

American Psychological Association Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 4th edn, APA

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