
Astrophysical fluids

Dr Paul Cally (Department of Mathematics and Statistics)

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: MAT2030, MAT2040, MAT2072 - Recommendations: MAT2102, PHS2022 - Prohibitions: MAA3221, MAT3121

Objectives On the completion of this subject, students will be sufficiently familiar with astrophysical hydrodynamics to be able to undertake the other ASP third-year subjects; will understand the basic characteristics of steady compressible flow; will be able to perform linearisation to determine wave motions and test for instabilities; will have a rudimentary knowledge of shocks and their numerical modelling; will understand the role and modelling of stellar pulsation.

Synopsis The continuum description of compressible fluids; ionisation; steady flows, accretion onto stars, the solar wind; linear sound waves; linear stability, stellar oscillations; interstellar medium, shocks and supernova blast waves, numerical simulation.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 70% - Assignments: 30%

Recommended texts

Bowers R and Deeming T D Astrophysics vols 1 and 2, Jones and Bartlett, 1984
Carroll B W and Ostlie D A An introduction to modern astrophysics Addison-Wesley, 1996
Shu F The physics of astrophysics vol. 2, Gas dynamics University Science Books, 1992

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