
Formal methods I

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 1-hour tutorial and one 2-hour laboratory per fortnight - First semester - Clayton, Sunway - Prerequisites: CSE1301 or CSC1011 and 12 points of approved first-year mathematics subjects (or equivalent) - Prohibitions: CSC2030

Objectives On completion of the subject students should be able to analyse functions and, where appropriate, show why they are computable; analyse languages and, where appropriate, associate them with automata and grammars; and represent knowledge using predicate logic and make logical deductions based on that knowledge.

Synopsis This subject looks at the question of exactly what a computer can compute and gives an introduction to logic and formal languages. Topics include computable functions, finite state automata, regular expressions, grammars, Turing computability, propositional logic, resolution, predicate logic.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 90% - Tutorial and laboratory work: 10% - Satisfactory performance on tutorial and laboratory work is a requirement

Prescribed texts

Hein, J L Discrete structures, logic and computabilty Jones and Bartlett, 1995

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