

Dr Nigel Wreford

12 points - 10 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: ANT2011/ANT2022 or appropriate background in biomedical science

Objectives On the completion of this subject students should be able to understand the functional anatomy of the head and neck, interpret relevant X-ray and CT films; demonstrate relevant aspects of surface anatomy of the head and neck; appreciate the sequence of development of the tissues and organs of the head and neck; examine the structure of the brain and understand the functions of various components of the brain, including the functional anatomy of neurones and special sensory organs associated with the head and neck; develop practical knowledge of both cell biological and histological methods.

Synopsis ANT3011 is a continuation of second-year studies in human anatomy and will provide students with the opportunity to study functional anatomy of the head and neck. This subject will also provide complementary teaching of (i) the development and histology of organ systems associated with the head and neck and (ii) neuroanatomy, in a unit of neurosciences, which provides a structural basis for an advanced series of lectures on the structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Techniques involved in the preparation of material for histological study together with modern cell biological and related techniques used in the study of cells and tissues will also be considered.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 15% - Examinations (2 hours - MCQ): 40% - Continuous assessment: 10% - End-of-semester 'flag-race': 20% - Practical work: 15%

Prescribed texts

Alberts B and others Molecular biology of the cell 3rd edn, Garland, 1994
Darnell J and others Molecular cell biology 3rd edn, Scientific American Books, 1995
Haines D E (ed.) Fundamental neuroscience Churchill Livingstone, 1997
Hall-Craggs E C B Anatomy as a basis for clinical medicine 3rd edn, William and Wilkins, 1995
Mathers, L H and others Clinical anatomy: Principles Mosby, 1996
Sauerland E K Grant's 'Dissector' 11th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1994
Moore K L The developing human 5th edn, Saunders, 1993
Sadler T W Langman's 'Medical embryology' 7th edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1995
Larsen W J Human embryology Churchill Livingstone, 1993
Norman G R and Streiner D L PDQ Statistics 2nd edn, 1996
Ross M H, Romrell R J and Kaye G L Histology: A text and atlas 3rd edn, Williams and Wilkins, 1995

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