
Psychological assessment

Mr Gordon Walker

6 points - Second semester - Distance - Prerequisite: Bachelors degree with major in psychology from any course accredited by the Australian Psychological Society

Objectives On the completion of this subject students will think of psychological assessment as multi-faceted; understand the importance of reliability, validity and other technical aspects of psychological measurement; understand the advantages and disadvantages of standardised psychometric instruments; be familiar with different kinds of psychological tests.

Synopsis This subject is designed to provide a critical overview of the theory and technique of psychological assessment and diagnosis. The subject introduces methods of assessment, theoretical perspectives on assessment, principles of test construction, testing and evaluation, use of tests and inventories: intelligence, personality, depression, anxiety, stress, occupational interest etc. Students will receive some practical experience in selection, administration, scoring and interpretation of tests during the residential school and in casework assignments and be required to write a psychological report.

Assessment Examination: 40% - One case study: 40% - Essay: 20%

Prescribed texts

Rogers T B The psychological testing enterprise: An introduction Brooks-Cole, 1995

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