
Digital logic

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week, one 1-hour tutorial and one 2-hour practical class per week - First semester - Clayton, Sunway - Prohibitions: CFR1130, COT1130, CSC1021, CSC1082, CSC2061, CSE1101, CSE1200, CSE1308, DGS1111, GCO2812, PHS2041, RDT1111

Objectives On completion of the subject students should be able to manipulate circuits by a variety of techniques including engineering design methods, formal logic transformations and tabular simplification methods; design, construct and analyse digital circuits; and construct a very simple computer. At the completion of the subject students should also understand digital-logic concepts, including binary codes, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, and logic minimisation techniques; have a working knowledge of a number of basic digital devices such as decoders, multiplexers, latches and flip-flops; and be able to design, implement, test and evaluate TTL circuits of moderate complexity.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide an understanding of the design and construction of digital logic devices. The subject covers Boolean algebra, gates and combinatorial logic, Karnaugh maps, flip flops, sequential circuit design, clocked synchronous logic, race conditions, encoding and decoding, multiplexing, adders and multipliers, buses, error detection and correction, processor implementation, timing, analysis and syntheses of control mechanisms. The practical component is based upon the digital hardware laboratories. Students are introduced to digital-logic concepts, and the implementation and usage of digital logic in basic digital circuits. Numbers: binary, octal, hex. Binary codings: BCD, Gray, ASCII. Data transmission: parallel, sync/async serial, parity bits, error detection and correction. Logic operations: logic gates, ICs and logic families. Logic functions and circuits: standard forms, minimisation, Boolean algebra. Decoders, muxes, adders, ROMs and PLDs in combinational logic design, latches and flip-flops. Design of sequential logic circuits: counters, registers and state machines. In the laboratory classes, students will use CAD tools for logic design and simulation work, as well as a 'chip-kit' and prototype wiring system.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 55% - Tests, assignment and tutorial work: 15% - Practical work: 30%

Recommended texts

Mano M M Digital design 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, 1991

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