
Differential equations

Coordinator: Dr Michael Reeder (First semester), Dr Alan Pryde (Second semester)

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - First/second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: MAT1020 or MAT1080 - Prohibitions: MAA2011, MAT2047, MAT2902, MAT2912, MAT2920

Objectives On the completion of this subject, students will be able to understand basic concepts in ordinary and partial differential equations soluble by analytic methods, and their application in areas of mathematics and science; extend basic concepts of ordinary differential equations to higher order and some nonlinear types; have met three basic partial differential equations and use Fourier series techniques to solve some boundary value problems for these differential equations; they will be acquainted with a computer algebra package and be able to use it to solve simple problems in the area of the subject.

Synopsis Ordinary differential equations: first and second order differential equations soluble by analytic techniques. Regular power-series solutions. Partial differential equations: wave equation, diffusion equation, Laplace's equation, separation of variables. Fourier series and application to boundary value problems. Use of a computer algebra package.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 85% - Assignments and/or tests: 15%

Prescribed texts

Kreyszig E Advanced engineering mathematics 7th edn, Wiley, 1993

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