
Mathematical sciences project

Associate Professor Philip Rayment

8 points - Full-year subject - Approximately 8 hours per week, including supervisor contact and the balance of individual work - Gippsland/ Distance - Prerequisites: ASC2626 or ASC2629 or GAS2062 - Permission of the subject adviser must be obtained before enrolment in this subject. For this permission to be granted students must have completed all first and second-level subjects in their approved major sequence, and be able to demonstrate that they have an appropriate project and supervisor/s - Prohibitions: GAS3062, GAS3619, ASC3639, GAS3719

Objectives During this subject, students will gain experience of carrying out an extended research project, using the skills of information retrieval and assessment of information, as well as applying appropriate mathematics to specific tasks. More particularly the objectives are for students to practice careful and discriminating information retrieval; define the scope of a mathematical project and carry it to a productive conclusion; report progress, and discuss lines of enquiry, with a supervisor; present a concise and coherent report on the project's results; apply appropriate mathematical skills and methods to a new topic.

Synopsis Each student will undertake an individual project bringing together the themes of subjects ASC1619 and ASC2626 as well as background from prior studies in their major. Project topics must relate to the student's major area of study. Appropriate members of mathematical sciences section supervise individual projects. Both the subject adviser and the project supervisor must approve project topics at the time of enrolment. Requirements within the project include reviewing relevant literature, seminar presentation and participation, and submission of a detailed final report. Other requirements, such as attendance at short seminar programs, may be specified. Students are required to maintain regular contact with their supervisors. The subject is taught by seminars, tutorials and supervised individual project work.

Assessment Two oral reports (initial 5%, final 20%): 25% - Written report: 75%

Recommended reading

A reading program initially developed with the supervisor with the student is then further supplemented by the student's own literature searches.

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