
Molecular biology and biotechnology

Mrs Jenny Mosse

8 points - Second semester - 4 hours of lectures per week and one five day laboratory block - Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisites: ASC2646 or BCH2011 or BCH2031 or GAS2141 - Prohibitions: BCH3011, BCH3031, BTH3757, GAS3142

Objectives On completion of this subject, students will be able to understand the molecular basis of a wide range of recombinant DNA techniques; appreciate the use of biochemical, spectroscopic and molecular biological techniques in the diagnosis of disease; apply biochemical knowledge to the pursuit of current scientific problems in industry, medicine and research; critically evaluate a variety of approaches to a particular (biochemical) problem; demonstrate proficiency in the interpretation of complex data acquired by biochemical, spectroscopic and molecular biological techniques; work responsibly and effectively in the laboratory; demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of recombinant DNA techniques; record experimental data in an appropriate manner; prepare scientific reports of a professional standard.

Synopsis BCH3627 (Molecular biology and biotechnology) concentrates on important areas of the methodology of biochemical investigation and recombinant DNA methodology. These include methods of clinical diagnosis such as NMR, immunoassay and automated analysis. There is a strong emphasis on techniques of recombinant DNA manipulation which ensures students achieve working familiarity with a range of procedures. The applications of techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology to a range of industrial and research activities are considered. These include detection and typing of viruses, the biochemical basis of anti-viral therapies, production of recombinant vaccines, environmental monitoring, the biochemistry of nutrient reduction and industrial applications of biocatalysts. A number of detailed case studies are considered.

Assessment Mid-semester test and final examination: 70% - Practical work: 30% - A pass in both the theory and practical components is mandatory.

Prescribed texts

Alberts B and others Molecular biology of the cell 3rd edn, Garland, 1994
Brown T A Gene cloning: An introduction 3rd edn, Chapman and Hall, 1995

Recommended texts

Lindsay D A guide to scientific writing Longman Cheshire, 1984
Watson J D and others Recombinant DNA 2nd edn, Freeman, 1992

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