
Evolution of plant diversity

Dr John Beardall

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures and one 2.5-hour practical per week (or equivalent) - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: BIO1011 and BIO1022 or BIO1042 or permission of the head of the department

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have gained an understanding of plant diversity and evolutionary relationships within the plant kingdom; developed practical skills in plant identification and a basic knowledge of the Australian flora.

Synopsis This subject surveys the biology of diverse plant groups including fungi, algae, ferns, bryophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. There is a linking theme throughout of reproductive biology, life cycles and the evolutionary relationships between the different plant groups.

Assessment Theory examination (1.5 hours): 40% - Practical work and fieldwork: 25% - Mini quizzes: 20% - Practical exam (1.5 hours): 15%

Recommended texts

Moore R and others Botany W C Brown, 1995

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