
Structure and function of plants: from cells to organism

Dr John Beardall

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour practical per week (or equivalent) - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: BOT2041 or BOT2042 or permission of the head of the department - Prohibition: BOT2031

Objectives On the completion of this subjects students should have a basic understanding of the relationships between plant structure and function; developed practical skills required for anatomical and physiological aspects of plant biology.

Synopsis This subject deals with the structure and function of plants at different levels of organisation from the sub-cellular to the whole plant. The subject covers cellular ultrastructure, mechanisms involved in the differentiation of cells into specialised tissues and the physiological and biochemical processes involved in plant growth. The link between structure and function of plants is stressed throughout the subject. Specific topics dealt with include structure and organisation of plant tissues; cell differentiation and its control; regulation of growth; nutrient and water uptake and transport; gas exchange and assimilation processes and plant ecophysiology.

Assessment Theory examination (1.5 hours): 40% - Practical work and laboratory work: 40% - Mini quizzes: 20%

Recommended texts

Moore R and others Botany W C Brown, 1995

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