
Dynamical meteorology

4 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisite: MAT2030 - Prohibitions: MAA3122, MAT3162

Objectives On the completion of this subject, students will be able to explain many common meteorological phenomena using fluid dynamics; review the equations of motion in an inertial reference frame, and to extend them to a rotating frame of reference; explore the constraints rotation places on fluid motion; understand the dynamics of Rossby waves; compare the role of rotation in atmospheric vortices of different scales; explore how rotation affects the structure of the boundary layer; investigate the effects introduced by stratification.

Synopsis The application of fluid dynamics to atmospheric flow, motion in a rotating frame, Coriolis force and geostrophic flow. Vorticity equation. Ekman boundary layer. Stratified fluids and the thermal wind. Gravity waves.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 85% - Assignments: 15%

Recommended texts

Holton J R An introduction to dynamic meteorology 3rd edn, Academic Press, 1992
Reeder M J Lectures on dynamical meteorology Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Monash U, 1994

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