
Conservation of bio-resources

Dr Wendy Wright

8 points - First semester - Four 1-hour lectures and one 2-hour tutorial per week, plus an average of approximately 2 hours practical exercises per week (including field excursions and assignment work) - Gippsland, Berwick and Distance - Prerequisites: ENV1616 or GAS1011 - Prohibitions: BIO2042 and BIO2031 - Note: Distance students complete practical component at home.

Objectives ENV2626 focuses on practical and achievable methods of conserving biological resources and places the importance of management of biological resources into the wider context of resource management issues. On completion of this subject, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of, some of the varying definitions of the terms 'conserve' and 'conservation'; explain, differences in the reasons for, and the methods of, conservation at the following levels - species, populations, habitats, communities, ecosystems and biodiversity; express their own opinions, regarding the usefulness or desirability, in given circumstances, of aiming conservation attempts at one or more of the following levels: species, populations, habitats, communities, ecosystems and biodiversity; explain the roles of the various activities in conservation (for example establishment of protected areas and establishment of biodiversity reserves); identify and discuss various issues which can affect conservation attempts (for example conflicting land use requirements, sustainable development, ecotourism); apply detailed knowledge of how an issue such as conflicting land use requirements, sustainable development, ecotourism may affect conservation of species, populations, habitats, communities, ecosystems or biodiversity; and recommend conservation strategies for real or hypothetical situations, taking into account the reasons for conservation and the circumstances which may affect the success or failure of the conservation attempt.

Synopsis ENV2626 begins with an overview of the conservation of biodiversity and the issues involved in conservation. Reasons for, and methods of, conserving species, populations, habitats, communities, ecosystems and biodiversity will be explored with case studies presented to exemplify successful and unsuccessful conservation projects aimed at each of these levels. Specific case studies which may be presented. The subject continues with the identification and discussion of factors which may affect conservation in practice. Students will choose a case study and examine, in project work, how such factors may affect a specific conservation program (a national park or reserve or a larger area such as the Victorian Alps region, which may have pressures other than conservation upon it.)

Assessment Examination 50% - Assignments: 50%

Prescribed texts

Primack R B Essentials of conservation biology 2nd edn, Sinauer, 1998
Quammen D The song of the dodo Random House, 1996

Recommended texts

Bradstock R A and others (eds) Conserving biodiversity: Threats and solutions Surrey Beatty, 1995
Meffe G K and Carroll C R Principles of conservation biology Sinauer, 1994
Moritz C and Kikkawa J (eds) Conservation biology in Australia and Oceania Surrey Beatty, 1994

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