
Object-oriented software engineering

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week and one 3-hour laboratory per fortnight - Second semester - Clayton, Sunway - Prerequisites: CSE1303 or CSC1030 - Prohibitions: CFR2128, CFR3042, CSC2050, CSE2201, DGS2231, GCO3811, RDT2231, SFT2201, SFT2411, SFT3041

Objectives On completion of the subject students should be able to competently design and implement medium size software projects from specification; and apply key principles of software engineering to all software that they author so that it is correct, efficient, modular, reusable, structured and well documented.

Synopsis This subject looks at formal methods and approaches to the construction of modern computer software. Topics covered include software tools, object-oriented design, object-oriented programming (using the C++ programming language), documentation, debugging, metrics, formal specification, process and project management issues.

Assessment Examination (3 hours): 80% - Practical work: 20%

Prescribed texts

Winston P H On to C++ Addison-Wesley, 1994

Recommended texts

Booch G Object-oriented analysis and design 2nd edn, Benjamin-Cummings, 1994
Sommerville I Software engineering 5th edn, Addison-Wesley

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