
Materials science

Associate Professor John Cashion

12 points - Four 1-hour lecture/tutorial classes and an average of 5 hours laboratory work per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: MSC2011 and MSC2022

Objectives On completion of this subject students will have an understanding of the mechanical behaviour of polymers and the principles of hard and soft magnetic materials and their applications; extended their knowledge into one elective area; undertaken a library research project and presented the results, both in a seminar and as a written report; performed laboratory experiments and written assignments in support of lecture units; developed the skills of reporting laboratory experiments.

Synopsis This subject consists of four equal-weight units: mechanical behaviour of polymers - viscoelastic deformation and fracture of polymers and elastomers; magnetic properties - study of the microscopic origins of magnetism in specific classes of materials, domains, magnet fabrication and applications; an elective unit chosen from a range of appropriate materials topics available in the three participating departments, chosen by the student following discussion with the discipline coordinator; and technical communication - study of a contemporary materials science topic, culminating in the presentation of a research seminar and a written essay.

Assessment Examinations (4.5 hours): 50% - Research essay and seminar participation: 17% - Laboratory work: 33%

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