
Technology management for scientists

Professor Doug MacFarlane

6 points - Second semester - 2 hours of lectures, one 1-hour computer laboratory/tutorial per week and an average of 3 hours practical per week - Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should be able to: demonstrate an understanding of the methodologies used in technology and project assessment and in the management of projects and technology based business; effectively utilize appropriate software packages to carry out project and financial management tasks; construct a business plan; demonstrate communication and presentation skills of a professional standard.

Synopsis This subject will include a discussion of modern approaches in the following topics. Topic 1: technology management; technology assessment; project assessment; project planning and management; management systems including financial management; business planning. Topic 2: professional skills; communication and presentation skills; teamwork skills.

Assessment Laboratory/workshop: 25% - Assignments and reports: 25% - Examination: 50%

Recommended texts

Gilmour P and Hunt R A The management of technology Longman Cheshire, 1993
Katz R The human side of managing technological innovation: A collection of readings OUP, 1997

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