

Dr Richard Egudo

4 points - Second semester - 3 hours per week - Gippsland, distance (odd-numbered years only) - Prerequisites: GCO1831 or equivalent, MAT2216 or equivalent - Prohibitions: GAS3711

Objectives To introduce basic discrete event system modelling concepts; analyse various modelling approaches and develop ability to decide which approach is best for a particular problem; discuss the three-level hierachy and its application in each modelling approach; develop skills in constructing and running simulation models using simulation languages; develop understanding of the need for statistical analysis of simulation input and output data, design of simulation experiments using statistical methods, verification and validation, and develop ability to carry out these tasks; develop awareness and understanding in the importance for decision makers' involvement in all stages of the modelling process.

Synopsis Topics include systems modelling and simulation, a variety of modelling approaches, sampling of probability distributions using pseudo-random number generators; discrete event systems modelling; an introduction to computer simulation using ARENA simulation package; verification and validation of simulation models; analysis of input and output data, comparison and evaluation of alternative system designs.

Assessment Two written assignments (computing and reports): 50% - Examination (3 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Pegden C D, Shannon R E and Sadowski R P Introduction to simulation using SIMAN McGraw-Hill, 1995
ARENA User's guides System Modeling Corporation, 1995

Recommended texts

Banks J and Carson J S Discrete-event system simulation Prentice-Hall, 1984

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