
Basic mathematics

Dr Jill Wright

6 points - Full-year subject - Two 1-hour lectures and one 1-hour tutorial per week - Gippsland/Distance - Prerequisites: The subject assumes a mathematical background at about Year 11. Students lacking this background should seek advice. Enrolment in this subject will only be accepted after consultation with the subject adviser or section head, mathematical sciences - Prohibitions: GAS1601, concurrent enrolment in MAT1055 and MAT1085.

Objectives The subject aims to prepare students lacking a recent Year 12 level mathematics background to enter first-year level tertiary mathematics subjects. On completion of the subject, the student is expected to have mastered basic algebraic processes; have familiarity and facility with the graphs and properties of standard functions and with basic operations on matrices and sets; have mastered the basic techniques of differentiation and integration; be able to use the above knowledge in problem solving.

Synopsis The topics covered include number systems, basic algebra, sets, functions, analytic geometry, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to combinatorial counting techniques, binomial theorem, sequences and series, introductory elements of differential and integral calculus, and matrices.

Assessment Twelve assignments: 33% - Two examinations (each 3 hours): 67% - Examinations will include a mastery-learning component

Prescribed texts

Queensland Open Learning Network Unilearn mathematics modules B1-4 and C1-6, Queensland Open Learning Network, 1993 (These books may be purchased from the Mathematics Learning Centre at Gippsland.)

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